One-Moment Meditation
This short animated film guided by Marty Boroson is one of my favorites for learning how to meditate any moment!
Trauma and EMDR
The Secrets of EMDR Therapy and How it can help you
School of Life is a great resource and here’s there (psychodynamic) take on EMDR.
Healing with EMDR - Personal Stories
A series of testimonials from women about their healing trauma process through EMDR (including doing this online).
KINTSUGI: The Art of Broken
What can we do with the broken pieces?
The Mask you Live In (TRAILER)
Documentary on American Masculinity, how it shows up in schools and the difficulties so many men face with its culture.
It gets Better - Kate Bornstein
Includes a free “Get of Hell Card”.
Story, Self & Reality
Sacred Economics
Charles Eisenstein really shines in both Sacred Economics and identifying the Story of Separation and the need for a new Story of Self
Couples and Relationships
Why you will marry the wrong person
Alain de Botton is funny, refreshing and clear on sharing a better way to think of modern love and couple relationships.
Rethinking infidelity... a talk for anyone who has ever loved
Esther Perel bringing a humanizing view for couples seeking to heal from infidelity.